Our technology is ready for prime time
August 15, 2022
As we've made the strategic shift to opening up our platform for third party underwriters, it's allowed us to transition how we pitch the platform as well. Dozens of platform demos were made these past few weeks to VCs for our Series B, strategic partners, and prospective underwriters and the feedback has been resoundingly positive.
Our platforms have seen tremendous progress over these last few months and we're shipping new features at a pace we've never been able to do before. Through these demos, it's clear we've struck a real nerve with the right audience and the impact of our features can't be understated. We've seen nods of approval, questions about whether our platform can do something (e.g. locking in allocations for preferred investors) to which we immediately show them how it does exactly what they wanted.
For those who want to see just how much breadth our feature set is across all three platforms, take a look at this video walkthrough we recorded a few weeks back. With how fast we're shipping things, it's already a bit out of date as the Borrower portal has already gotten a brand new refresh!
The shift to becoming a software as a service company is happening fast and it couldn't be coming at a better time as we close in on our Series B, touting all the benefits and margins of our future as a software company ๐