Starting Q3 off right
July 5, 2022
This has been one of the biggest things holding us back from achieving our objectives, especially on the revenue front. It's been a long time coming and over a year since we were able to book this kind of revenue but finally after weeks of going out to market with one of our most difficult institutional transactions, we are set for a first close of [ ] today, with the option to sell the remaining [ ] in the coming weeks ahead, which we'll gladly take especially as the team sets out for a few of the key industry conferences in July.
All credit goes to the Capital Markets team on this one, it's an extremely challenging market for this type of transaction compared to the other ones we have in our pipeline and even still, we managed to secure enough for a partial close and soft circle interest for the remaining amount. So much of a company is momentum driven and we have all of that heading into Q3 where multiple institutional deals are slated to close based on the dates spelled out in these term sheets. Our revenue story is coming together to make for a banner quarter unlike any we've ever had before.
It's great to be starting off this quarter with a bang 💥