This is a blog dedicated to building in public, where founders can see what goes on behind the scenes at a venture-backed startup. Weekly internal team emails (on a delay) are juxtaposed against interviews and articles published in real-time.
Data rules our world
February 28, 2022
We've had a lot of questions in the past around what the IP we acquired is and how it actually fits into our broader vision. Thanks to the tremendous efforts of our engineering team, we were able to do our first demo of the platform with a VC who also has a credit fund and they came away incredibly impressed. The technology has the ability to essentially provide real-time surveillance on underlying small business borrowers, breaking down their receivables, payables, inventory, machinery, etc., graphed out over time with the ability to flag any anomalies along the way.
Ready for our next asset class
February 22, 2022
We always know how to move quickly around here, that's for sure! For something that was just an idea a few weeks back to a full fledged launch of a brand new product offering last week, the pace at which we ship is remarkable to see. As we had outlined in the last all-hands, our next asset class after fintech lender finance is going to be venture loans. Instead of providing financing to lenders who then use it to expand their loan portfolios, we are now financing individual venture-backed companies who can use our capital to grow and scale their business to reach their next round of financing.
An overview of our company from end to end
February 14, 2022
It's been a full court press on the Series B front these past two weeks as I've taken 25 first round meetings with various different VCs at all sizes and scales. The consistent theme has been how impressed they are at the breadth of what we've built. Supporting 5 technology platforms simultaneously (borrowers, underwriters, investors, admin, surveillance) is no small feat and we've been able to continue to ship and deliver on product enhancements across all of them on a consistent basis.
All green lights for Anzen
February 7, 2022
I'm excited to share that Anzen is officially a go. Our binding letter of intent (LOI) has been signed and the board has signed off on our strategic partnership. To top it all off, Anzen also closed on their initial pre-seed round and are using our LOI to close on their seed round, which is looking like it will wrap up in the next week or so as well.
A week for the record books
January 31, 2022
What a week. I can't remember the last time in our company's history that we ever had such a flurry of activity in such rapid succession. Just like we had predicted, the world couldn't hear enough about us this past week. It wasn't all about press releases, it was a culmination of every teams' efforts in getting these key objectives over the finish line.
A new us
January 24, 2022
Our last two big objectives ahead of our Series B are going to be announced this week, putting an exclamation on what has been one of the most impressive months in our company's history. Both of these types of initiatives normally take up to 6 months or more to complete and we managed to pull them off in less than 3. This week you will see the press release go out about our acquisition of [ ] technology from MidCap Financial, the subsidiary of Apollo, and the release of our new brand identity across all our marketing channels (website, social, etc.).
Dream bigger
January 18, 2022
As we begin to think about how we as a company scale to reach that next level, one where we’re a true infrastructure solution in this market, it becomes clear that each team will need to go through a transformation from the top down to adapt to the ever changing needs of their organization.
The missing piece of the puzzle
January 10, 2022
The week has finally arrived - the one where we make our intentions known that we are so much more than just another alternative investment platform. We are taking the first steps to demonstrate that this is a managed marketplace and a technology solution that makes lending happen. This week, our press release will go out announcing the release of our underwriter solution, priming our pipeline for the upcoming demos we are going to give to the prospective underwriters we've been keeping warm.
Kicking off 2022 with a bang
January 3, 2022
I hope you all had a wonderful and restful holiday week. We're about to get right into the thick of things as January is shaping up to be one of our biggest and most important months ever. Over the four weeks, you will see four major strategic initiatives we've been working on come to life, one after another.